Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

442 - Degree in Odontology

29352 - Odontology Clinic Management

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29352 - Odontology Clinic Management
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
4 and 5
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following: The course is structured in 25 participatory lectures of 1 hour, 35 hours of classroom practice organized in sessions of about 2 hours addition, the student will have to devote 90 hours a self-employment and / or personal study and 6 pm to evaluation activities. The course program is designed for students to acquire the ability to perform those of a responsible management of the Dental clinic daily activities

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities . Participatory masterclass The aim of this method is to provide condensed information adapted to the level of the student. By performing in each of the themes of a work of selection of the most important aspects for the student, analysis and synthesis of information coming from different sources; usually inaccessible to him. With this work which aims to facilitate the understanding of the main concepts of the subject and a critical assessment of each of the subjects exerted by the teacher as a result of the knowledge gained in the study and through professional experience and also by students from their own perspective. To facilitate the presentation of topics auxiliary resources Power-point presentations are used. Since the use of these resources the student avoids the time-consuming tasks of copying. In addition, it can be highly positive in order to expedite the exhibition, provided the projected material accessible to the student for further detailed study. Practices, Seminars Group Classes These practical classes or seminars are held reasonably coordinated with those of theory. The exercises are representative of the issues, varied and training. Certain exercises can be used to develop new aspects of knowledge that have not been subject to previous explanations. Students should try to resolve the issues in their opinion, addressing the difficulties of each one before explaining its decision. This allows them to build their own learning in a context that approaches them to reality. The teacher's role will be to guide and moderator. Tutorials They aim to resolve any doubts that may have the student during the study of the subject, as well as orient and guide the student conducting case studies and documents to be mad

5.3. Syllabus

Management Dental Clinic subject is divided into two thematic blocks comprising a total of 12 subjects. Block I: Organization and Management Company Block II : Occupational Health and Occupational Risk Prevention Management in the Dental Clinic



1. The company and the environment: Macro and microenvironment

2. The management process

3. The financial Area

4. HR Management

5. The subsystem operations in the dental clinic.

6. Quality ,. Theories, and management of dental services



1.- Basics in occupational health. and health risk. Historical background. Objectives and functions.

2. Legal framework on occupational health and prevention of occupational risks, I. Occupational medicine and health surveillance of workers. Specialties prevention.

3. Legal Framework on occupational health and risk prevention II Spanish Health Organization's occupational health and safety at work.

4. Legal framework on occupational health and risk prevention III. Concept of accident and occupational disease. Situations arising.

5. Managing the prevention of occupational risks in the company.

6. Labor risks in the dental clinic. Prevention measures.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works

The timing of the various activities will be developed according to the academic calendar and schedule established by the center. Practical work must be submitted at the end of the semester.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Utrilla Trinidad, Mario.. Gestión y desarrollo en la práctica odontológica / Mario Utrilla Trinidad. . 1a. ed. Madrid : Bellisco, 2002.
  • Utrilla Trinidad, Mario.. Gestión en odontología / por Mario Utrilla Trinidad, Pedro Viñals Pérez, Ignacio Carralero Descalzo. . Madrid : Bellisco, 2010.